Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Max Planck India Workshop

Workshop's Website

This is the first major event that I organised in my life. I would love to give the details but to summarize the efforts of three months and then an event of three days is certainly "lot of work"(haha). I enjoyed being responsible for the event and the many twists and turns that result in organising something like this. This conference was organised under the auspices of the Max Planck Society for furthering scientific co-operation between India and Germany. It was a great conference and the wonders of indian cuisine made the event all the more special. I also took all my colleagues to Prashanti Nilayam which is around 150 Kms from Bangalore on the 1st of April.

Though I was in Bangalore and many of my friends live and work there, I could not meet any of them as the program began as early as 8 am in the morning everyday and ended at around 8 pm in the evening leaving me with an intense desire to hit the sack immediately after the dinner in the nights. I would love to meet them given that we formed bonds of brotherly love for each other when we all studied at Prashanti Nilayam, where Sai Baba, a contemporary spiritual legend in India taught us many invaluable lessons of life.


RP said...

japz, ye were in b'lore & no calz yeah? nxt time ye step in2 India ye wil b killed. itz a promise.

JP said...

Hey RP.. the next time I promise to meet and be open for slaughter..

Anonymous said...

U did call me and we spoke for about half an hr although it seemed like half a sec.Dear jughead ,I miss those days at Parthi.U made it all the more worthwhile...
Bye 4 now

Anonymous said...

hmm! so u met some one and spoke for abt 1/2 an hr!!! Were u not taught simle Time sharing Technique by Raghu sir....u cud hve utilized those 1/2 hr on 5 different ppl ,i say.....

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon..

Before I was taught "Time sharing Technique" by Raghu sir,I was out of his reach. Guys I am pretty sorry for not being able to meet anyone "merci"